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Alan Hodgkinson
Home Page
Guide to This Web-Site
- Recent Updates -
A list of recent changes and additions to this web site.
- Site Map -
A road map to help you find what you're looking for.
- This site was last updated on:
$Date: 2008/12/28 12:20:53 $
- Travel Photos
- I like to travel and I like to take pictures.
- Luzern - I live in Luzern (Lucerne),
Switzerland. It's a very nice place and I have photos to prove it.
- Photos
- Various photo series. Includes pictures of our new apartment.
- Sport Photos
- Includes the Engadiner Ski Marathon and scuba diving photos.
- Christmas Letters
- I'm not a very good correspondant, so each Christmas I write
a letter to let everybody know what I've been up to. Here you can find
the last few Christmas letters.
- Essays
- Writings on various topics.
- Investments
- How to make a million? No not really.. it's actually how to avoid
losing a million, which may be more important.
Here are the most basic investment tips with references to
books that I have found helpful.
- Humor
- Have you heard the one about..
- Missing Children
- I am trying to find some of my old friends. Maybe you can help.
- Gourmet Club
- I like to eat, I like to cook and I like people who like to
eat and cook. Stories, recipies and photos from our
gourmet club.
- Books
- I like to read, most recently in the fields of evolutionary biology
and history. Here are some of my recommendations.
- xv Art
- Most people think that xv is merely a picture viewer. In
fact it's possible to create art using xv. Here are a few
my attempts.
- Perl Scripts
- I write a lot of Perl. People even pay me to do it.
- Sho Takahashi Home Page - An overview of the
artistic works and writings of Sho Takahashi, a Japanese Artist. I
have sponsored his web site as an effort to promote his talents.
- Swiss Innovation and Entrepreneurship -
Collected papers of studies and workshops by the MIT Enterprise Forum
of Switzerland on the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship in
- Robert Lindsay
Mackay's First World War Diary - My grandfather fought in the
trenches in WWI. Thankfully he lived to tell about it.
- Mackay Family
Genealogy - During his retirement, my grandfather extensively researced
our branch of the clan Mackay. My cousin created a web site based on his
- SoftXS GmbH Corporate Web Site
- My primary working activity is developing document and task management
software for the construction industry. This is done via my own company.
In May 2002 I moved into a new place (Pictures
of the new apartment).
Alan Hodgkinson
Reckenbühlstrasse 12
CH-6005 Luzern, Switzerland
+41 (41) 210 90 74 (unchanged)
If you'd like to be informed when more content is added to this site,
send me an e-mail message with your return address.
Copyright 1997-2009, Alan Hodgkinson. All rights reserved.
Copyright Notice