Missing Children
Well, isn't that what friends are for?
- John Lydon.
Have You Seen Any of these People?
These are friends of mine with whom I've lost contact. I am hoping that the
Internet will enable me to find them again.
- William Dalton
- MIT. Possibly still at Pugh Roberts in Boston.
- Thoms Knorr
- Computer specialist. Originally from Berlin. Lived in Luzern
and then moved to Silicon Valley. He is probably somewhere in
the California Bay Area.
- Francisco 'Paco' Rodriguez
- MIT/Harvard grad and potential Democratic Presidential Candidate
for the 2000 election. If he had been running, perhaps the American
elections in the year 2000 wouldn't have been such a mess. Last
known address in Brookline, Massachusetts.
- Pasquale Sodano
- Former physics post-doc at MIT. Last known address in Perugia in
- William Upthegrove
- Sailor, sailboat builder and master woodworker. Possibly staff at
MIT. Originally from Maine.
If anybody knows the postal or e-mail address of any of these people,
or if you are one of these people, please contact me at
Some Have Been Found!
The Internet has helped. A few of the missing have finally turned up. Some
found this page themselves and some were alerted by others who stumbled
upon it.
- Joe Belef
- After almost 24 years soncee our last meeting, Joe's
brother found my web site, alerted Joe, who then me sent an e-mail.
I've known Joe since kindergarten and we lost contact in 1978.
Interestingly, we both did a great deal of bicycling together in
the early 70's, and independently developed an interest in
motorcycle riding.
Mark Ackerman
- I found his university home page (which includes a nice picture)
using Google. Unsurprisingly he's become a professor, which though
half expected, was still nice to see.
- David Boyd
- I found Dave via Google. After all these years he is still in
Seattle and is now working for Seattle's Department of Neighborhoods.
- Patricia Goodson
- An aquaintance of a friend Patricia's was searching for Patricia on
the web and was directed to this page, which resulted in my request for
information on Patricia to be forwarded to a third party and eventually
to Patricia herself. She then contacted me. Patricia is still in Prague
in the Czech Republic.
This wins the prize for the most complex chain of events
that led to a contact with a long lost friend.
Jeff Moffatt
- I found his HP2100 page and sent an
e-mail. He replied.
Dai McClurg
- I found his home page, including his
picture. He hadn't changed a bit! We met in again in 2000 in Paris.
Keith Sawyer
- He saw my home page and sent me an e-mail.
He's now a professor of creativity. What a great job that must
Thanks to the lost friends who took the trouble
to get in contact again and also to all of those people who helped.
Copyright 1997-2000, Alan Hodgkinson. All rights reserved.