Sho Takahashi's World
4. Nanotechnology
Sho Takahashi is now intent on taking the concepts and discoveries
of mathematics and applying them in the fields of design, engineering
and art, on all scales between those of mega-engineering
and nano-technology. Recently he has come across the new field of
periodic minimal surfaces, first reconnoitred by H. A. Schwarz
in the 1860s, and has taken the opportunity of presenting these
shapes at this centre of Nano-technology, hoping that these new
forms will find applications. These shapes or structures represent
solutions looking for problems rather than problems looking for
solutions. At the same time, with a characteristic Sino-Japanese
reverence for the written character, Takahashi links physical shapes
with iconic thought, particularly with the associations embedded in
Chinese characters and by implication in those of other writing systems.
These three-dimensional forms, discovered or revealed rather than
created, are natural absolutes like the Platonic solids and are more
complex than those used by his distinguished predecessor Isamu Noguchi
and present many challenges to manufacturing technology.
Copyright 2002, Sho Takahashi. All rights reserved.