
Takahashi Exhibits

The Fabrications of Sho Takahashi
at the Brighton Fringe Festival
1 to 23 May, 2004.

The unconventional becomes conventional, never the reverse.
Thus, it is the fringe that leads to the center, and not the center that leads to the fringe.
Consider this when looking for new ideas.

- Sho Takahashi

In a Pub? In a Pub!

If people are unwilling to bring themselves to art, then art should be brought to the people. Without a viewing public, art is meaningless. Worse, the world of art is increasingly distancing itself from the real world, resulting in complex abstract theoretical systems devoid of any real substance. Towers of theory are being built on sand.

With this logic, Sho Takahashi decided to create an exhibition to display a collection of his works at a pub in Brighton. Always eager for artistic criticism from non-professionals, Takahashi hopes that the pub's viewing public will be forthright and harshly honest. He claims that an honest man who's had a few pints can do more for art than a professional critic beholden to the status quo.


Takahashi's exhibition forms part of the Brighton Fringe festival, which itself is part of the Brighton Festival, England's largest and best mixed arts festival. While the opportunity to show his works is one factor, Takahashi's additional motivation is to immerse himself in the free thinking culture at the festival and to allow himself to be infected by the ideas to which he will be exposed.

So beware of the lone Japanese tourist sitting in the corner of the pub. It might be Takahashi collecting ideas for his next inspiration. But then again, it might not.

An Exhibition of Artwork by Sho Takahashi at:

The Pedestrian Arms

1 to 24 May, 2004
Open 12:00-23:00 p.m. Mon-Sat, 11:00-20:30 Sun.

13-14 Foundry Street, North Laines
Brighton, N2 9ED

The Pedestrian Arms is centrally located and about 5mins from Brighton railway station. See the map for details. Foundry Street is two blocks east of Queen's road and runs between North and Gloucester Roads. The pub is on the east side of the road.

A 1999 review of the The Pedestrian Arms is located here.

Copyright 2004, Sho Takahashi. All rights reserved.