
Copyright Notice

Like science, art is a field where achievements are made by recognizing and building on the work of others. I believe that today's art is only possible because of the hard work of yesterday's artists. Artists recognize the their artistic heritage by acknowledging the works of their predrecessors. As I recognize the shoulders upon which I stand, I expect you to recognize my shoulders, should you choose to stand on them.

I am an artist and live from the sale of my works. Unauthorized copying of the material on my web site has a direct effect on my ability to create further works of art. Please consider this fact carefully before you make copies. That said, my goal is to share my art, so that the widest possible audience can benefit from it and build upon it.

What this means is that I grant premission for most non-commercial uses, provided you credit me by name and provide a link back to my home page (http://www.softxs.ch/sho). For questions about commercial uses, please contact me directly.

- Sho Takahashi

Copyright 2002, Sho Takahashi. All rights reserved.