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Document De-Archiver

Short-Term Contract Position


To adapt to on-going changes in the global political arena and to continue the implementation of its image purification program, our client must make substantial investments in document de-archiving technology.

The client has an immediate open position for a document de-archiver (temporary) working in the confidential records section of a major European (non-EU) financial institution.

Due to the sensitive nature of the assignments, work hours will be irregular. Night and weekend work will be required. Some heavy lifting will also be required.


Must be non-Swiss national without residence or work permit. Knowledge of a more than rudemtary level of either German or French are grounds for dismissal. Illiterates preffered. Strict compliance with banking secrecy law and the client's own internal non-reporting procedures is required.

The candidate must be able to successfully pass an extensive vetting procedure, including extensive checks of political and religious affiliations.


Salary, bonus and end of job relocation expenses to be determined, but renumeration will reflect the risks involved in carrying out sensitive assignments in a prompt and discrete manner.

As this is a special temporary position, the benefits package normally offered by the client to its employees will be not offered, nor will the statuatory unemployment or medical insurance be paid. The compensation package will consist solely of salary payments. All payments will be in cash and made directly to the employee, or any agent designated by the employee, in a currency of the employee's choosing.

The position has tax exempt status. Payment of income taxes in Switzerland is not required and payment of any taxes in the employee's home or other countries is at the sole descretion of the employee.

The client company will not provide any employment records, to the employee or any third party, nor will any written recommendations be produced before, during or after the termination of the contract.


Due to the sensitive nature of the position no written applications will be accepted. The client will contact prospective candidates directly. No action on the candidate's part is required to apply for the position.

Copyright 1997-2000, Alan Hodgkinson. All rights reserved.