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Light a Candle for World Peace

- It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness

Light a candle for world peace. Put the candle in a window so that others can see that you care.

Over the past months the darkness of war has been approaching.

It is not too late to prevent this war.

In reaction to America's current belligerent policies, people all over the world have demonstrated. By doing so they have let their leaders know that war is not the answer.

Thankfully, many have listened and adjusted their policies accordingly. As a result America now stands nearly isolated in its belief that Iraq must be attacked. Even England, formerly America's political puppet, is making overtures for compromise and a peaceful solution to the current Iraq crisis. This came about because individuals stood up and made their voices heard.

Unfortunately, in America, the country that traditionally has been the world's peacekeeper, the cries for war have been the loudest. While much of the government is arguing for war, the common citizens have other concerns: their family, their job and their safety. Will the comming war help them? Will it help the world? Recent polls say that most Americans think not.

It is time for Americans to tell their leaders what they think. To do so you must overcome the current political hysteria. To favor peace does not mean that you approve of terrorism. Being against war is not 'unpatriotic'. You are not a traitor if you question your government. Enshrined in the constitution is freedom of expression and the right of assembly. These are cornerstones of American democracy.

Your voice can affect the choice your nation makes. Use it!

A simple first step is to light a candle and place it in your window. This will tell the world you care about world peace. It will also let others know that they are not alone.

If you want to do more, write to your elected representative or the media, or take part in a peacful demonstration.

War is not the answer. Do not curse the darkness. Light a candle.

Alan Hodgkinson

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